Operation Raviv (Drizzle in Hebrew), also known as the Ten-Hour War, was a mounted raid conducted by the IDF on Egypt's Red Sea coast during the War of Attrition. Taking place on September 9, 1969, the operation saw Israeli forces masquerading as Egyptian troops and using captured Arab armor landing from the sea on the western coast of the Gulf of Suez, and conducting a raid on military targets along 70 kilometers.
Operation Raviv (Drizzle in Hebrew), also known as the Ten-Hour War, was a mounted raid conducted by the IDF on Egypt's Red Sea coast during the War of Attrition. Taking place on September 9, 1969, the operation saw Israeli forces masquerading as Egyptian troops and using captured Arab armor landing from the sea on the western coast of the Gulf of Suez, and conducting a raid on military targets along 70 kilometers.
The operation involved four stages:
Amphibian landing of the force on the Gulf of Suez's coast.
Daylight advance along the Egyptian coast, from the north southwards.
Destruction of Egyptian military targets – infantry, armor, infrastructure.
A quick evacuation by naval landing craft.