Greeting Cards from the Jewish Combatant Collection in the IDFA

​​L'Shana Tova Tikatevu

Collected and annotated by Michael Lax; edited by Natali Shohat; scanned by Goel Amir

These were the first days of World War I (1914 – 1918). Huge crowds of the Austro-Hungarian Empire enlisted in the Army, to fight for a "New Europe" (as they believed), against the dictators, and for superior values such as justice and freedom.

Austro-Hungarian Jews, as patriots loyal to the Empire, enlisted too, to serve their motherland and its beloved Emperor Franz Josef I. Out of 2,250,000 Jews in the Empire, who enjoyed full civil rights, 320,000 enlisted in the army.

Volunteering to serve in the army became a moral imperative for Jews; to prove their loyalty to the Empire and as an expression of good citizenship. But an anti-Russian element was also present, as a reaction to the many pogroms suffered by Jews of the Russian Empire.

The Jewish soldiers in the Austro-Hungarian army were supplied with adequate religious service. The number of field rabbis reached 76, all of them captains in the army. The religious services included marking Jewish holidays, the publication, and distribution of greeting cards. Several of these may be seen at the exhibition (click on "Documen​ts").

At the end of the War the Austro-Hungarian Empire collapsed. 40,000 Jewish serving in its army fell in the cruel war (a number larger than all those who fell in Israel's wars).

May their memory be blessed!


Glory and victory to our arms! A Happy New Year! 1914

German and Austro-Hungarians (allied in the war) pray together on the battlefield.


A Jewish Father blesses his two sons: "God is with you! Be strong and brave. Fight until your last breath for our righteous father of the state and for or dear motherland"


The worried mother stands at the father's side. In the background Franz Joseph Picture.

A Shana Tova greeting card

Jewish soldiers praying in a synagogue

A Shana Tova greeting card

Jewish soldiers praying in a synagogue

A Shana Tova greeting card

In the text: "Protect us God by your mercy… do not let us fall in the hands of the cruel"


Jewish soldiers praying in a synagogue

Rosh Ha'Shana prayer on the battlefield


In the background, Moses standing on the pulpit, rays of light emanating from his head.


To the main exhibition​​

ללובי התערוכות